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An Ethics Experience for Team 88

By Liz Calef  WFA 1997  Link : TJ2 code of ethics 2019

Our team captains met and researched the Code of Ethics for various organizations and companies.  From this research they put together a  list of behaviors that they felt would be appropriate and necessary for our team.  They presented this list to the team, discussed the list and edited it with input from the group.  The team voted to accept this list as the “TJ2 Code of Ethics 2019”.  It was determined that this code should be revisited every year and updated.  Each year it needs to be accepted by a team vote.  The team then decided to make a lanyard that captured the spirit of their code.  This lanyard is now a required part of our team uniform.  The link to our efforts is here:

Team 1816-The Green Machine

By Mark Lawrence WFA 2015  Link:Team 1816 – Core Values

Core Values have always been ingrained in the team culture of Team 1816-The Green Machine. Even before we launched our Be FIRST peer-to-peer campaign in 2013, 1816 placed high value on the ethical underpinnings of what it means to be a FIRST Robotics team. An activity at this year’s Team 1816 fall retreat inspired us to create our own set of formalized Team values. The hands-on workshop was student-driven and facilitated by a respected Team volunteer, one who was familiar both with the Team and with third-party mediated strategic planning activities. The inclusion of this third-party moderator proved key, as it enabled the Team to move beyond personalities and petty differences. Significant input was required on the part of each 1816 member and mentor, including votes to identify the top Team values. Over the course of the next six weeks, a values committee comprised of mentors and students of all grades and sub teams met to discuss, finalize the Team values, and write expansion statements. The Team’s Core Values (Respect, Trust, Inclusivity, Commitment, and Joy of Life), along with their expansion statements, were then voted on by the entire Team. Team 1816 is developing a number of approaches for the continual recognition of our Core Values so that they remain at the forefront of Team culture. We believe that Core Values are an essential complement to the FIRST foundation of Gracious Professionalism, and will help us meet our mission and realize our vision.

Camdenton FIRST® LASER 3284

(Laker Afterschool Science, Engineering & Robotics)



The Ethos of FIRST® has a substantial impact on LASER. Coopertition® and Gracious Professionalism® are values that FIRST® and LASER uphold. As a five-time Chairman’s Award and  eleven-time UL Safety Award winning team, LASER strives to live by the morals and principles that develop science and technology leaders of the future. LASER team members are expected to live by these Rules of Practice so the Ethos of FIRST® may live on.

I. Acknowledge That the Team Has More to Learn.

  1. LASER members must recognize that the team is continuously learning.

  2. LASER members shall embrace the idea that where there is failure, there is an opportunity to learn.

  3. LASER members shall reflect on what they have learned through the FIRST® program.

II. Act Towards Team Members as if They Are Family.

  1. LASER members must encourage communication and foster positive interactions between one another.

  2. LASER members must be gracious and courteous to their teammates.

  3. LASER members must not engage in drama. If conflict gets arises, speak to an officer.

  4. LASER members shall continue to take part in team bonding activities.

III. Act Towards Other Teams as if Your Own.

  1. LASER members shall reach out to other teams- whether at events or outside events.

  2. LASER members must show kindness when interacting with other teams.

  3. LASER members may socialize and build friendships with as many teams as possible.

IV. Keep the Ethos of FIRST® at the Forefront of the Mind.

  1. LASER members must uphold the morals of Coopertition® and Gracious Professionalism®.

  2. LASER members shall think, “What would Dr. Woodie Flowers  do?”

  3. LASER members shall encourage the message and mission of FIRST®.

V. Always Strive for the Benefit of Others.

  1. LASER team members shall always keep a positive attitude towards others.

  2. LASER members must be inclusive of all people.

  3. LASER members may direct every possible action to benefit others.

VI. Return Gratitude to the Community that Supports LASER.

  1. LASER members shall thank the LASER sponsors for everything they provide the team.

  2. LASER members shall use community outreach to positively impact the state and other teams, not just our own team.

  3. LASER members shall participate in fundraisers, outreach events, and actions that support our community.

  4. LASER members shall encourage outreach for the benefit of FIRST®, STEM education, and other, larger causes.

VII.  Expand, Uphold, and Embrace Safety Culture.

  1. LASER members shall connect with other teams to share safety knowledge.

  2. LASER members must use the proper tool for the proper job.

  3. LASER members must follow and uphold the UL and LASER safety protocols, including practicing safe operating procedures when handling machinery.

Must: Required.

Shall: Highly recommended.

May: Optional, but suggested.

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